Share An Idea

Here at The Speech Pack, the goal is to create high quality work wear and everyday stuff for heath care providers and educational professionals. I know that many of you are funny, and maybe even punny, and probably have fantastic ideas. Making stuff isn't always easy and sometimes the creative juices and mojo run low. If you have an idea, maybe an inside joke with coworkers, something from school that you still laugh about or an idea you're dying to see brought to life, share with me here. Your thoughts and ideas are valuable, so if you send something that is selected and a product is created, you'll be compensated!

Feel free to to share anything, even if it seems silly or not worth it. A lot of the time, something you find funny someone else will also. Send an email to with your idea, any images or sketches you've made and your PayPal or Venmo information for payment (because you'll get paid you if your stuff gets selected).